
Massachusetts North Shore Mahogany and Bird’s Eye Maple veneer Card Table. Shaped Flap with out-turned corners with satin wood string inlay on the edge over a conforming top with satin wood string inlay over a frieze with a Mahogany center panel flanked by two Bird’s Eye Maple panels all surrounded by mahogany cross banding. Each end with Bird’s Eye Panels with mahogany cross banding. Ending on legs with multiple ring turnings at the frieze, tapering and reeded to ring turnings and a spike foot. Structurally original. Minor repairs. Refinished. C1815

American Late Federal Card Table. Cherry and Bird’s Eye Maple Veneer. Shaped Flap with out-turned corners with satin wood banded inlay on the edge over a conforming top with satin wood banded inlay over a Bird’s Eye Maple frieze. Ending on legs with a ring turning at the frieze, tapering and reeded to a surpressed ball, vase and ball foot. Structurally original. Minor repairs. French Polished. C1815

Massachusetts Federal Secretary Bookcase Federal Mahogany veneer Secretary Bookcase. Upper bookcase with Three Brass winecup finials that surmount a shaped gallery top with center plinth with flame mahogany veneer panels and crossbanding and four plinths on the corners. Two molded edge doors with molded mullions and glazed diamond shaped lites opening to an interior with two adjustable shelves. Desk with fold out felt writing surface above four flame mahogany veneer graduated dovetailed drawers with round brass thistle stamped pulls. Ending on bracket base. Pine Secondary wood. 6′ 5″ High. x 39″ W. x 18 1/2″ Deep. Old mellow surface. Brass Pulls replaced. Structurally original. C. 1790-1800.

American Mahogany Whale end shelf. 4 tier with shelves mortised into sides. 25″ W. 31 1/2″ H. x 8 1/2″ Deep. Old mellow finish. New England. C. 1820-40

Pennsylvania Cherry Two piece Corner Cupboard Upper section with stepped Crown molding and molded mullion 12 light door opening to an interior with 4 shelves. Base with 2 recessed panel doors opening to an interior of 2 shelves. Ending on bracket foot with nicely scalloped cut out base. 7′ 4″ High. Requires 29″ corner. Structurally original. Minor Repair to return of stile. C.1820

Pennsylvania Cherry Two piece Corner Cupboard Upper section with stepped Crown molding and molded mullion 12 light door opening to an interior with 4 shelves. Base with 2 recessed panel doors opening to an interior of 2 shelves. Ending on bracket foot with nicely scalloped cut out base. 7′ 4″ High. Requires 29″ corner. Structurally original. C.1820

Set of 6 Tiger Maple Chairs. Rolled and shaped crest over Lyre medial splat, above a cane seat. Ending on Classical legs supported by turned box stretchers and a flat curved medial stretcher. Seat Height 17″. Old mellow surface. C. 1825

Massachussetts Cherry and Bird’s Eye Maple Late Federal bow front chest. Rectangular bowed top with Cookie corners. Case with ring turned posts framing Four graduated dovetailed drawers with Bird’s Eye veneer, Mahogany banding and diamond shaped escutcheons. Skirt with double center half circle drops with quarter circle drops at post. Ending on high ring turned legs and tapering foot. 40 ” W. x 20″ D. x 37 1/2″ High. Pine Secondary wood. Original hardware. Old mellow finish. Structurally original. C. 1815

Rhode Island 6 drawer Chippendale Tall Chest. Dovetailed case with 6 graduated, molded edge and dovetailed drawers. Ending on tall bracket feet. Structurally original. Brasses replaced. Old mellow surface. C. 1770.